
Generally the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a very healthy breed and most breeders strive to keep it that way. Here is an explanation of some of the health tests that are available to breeders to ensure the health of their puppies. Both Sire and Dam should be tested to ensure they are clear from identifiable diseases.

Identified by X- Ray

Elbow Dysplasia – This is caused by the growth plates in the bones not fusing as they should in adolescence, it can cause lameness and arthritis in later years. The British Veterinary Association give a score a score of 0-3, 0 being the best and 3 being the worst.
Hip Dysplasia – Is caused when the cups in the hips are not deep enough which causes wear to the round top of the femur and consequently lameness. The BVA score the hips using numbers 0-56 each hip, 0:0 are perfect hips. The score are added together to give us the mean score, the breed average is 11. Other countries use different scoring methods so a foreign sire having a score of Excellent or A1 has the highest grade.
OCD – Osteochondritis Dissecans is a developmental condition that arises due to a disturbance in the normal differentiation of cartilage cells resulting in failure of endochondral ossification (essential process during foetal development of skeletal system) resulting in bone formation. This is not monitored in the UK but foreign sires will be scored.

Identified by Genetic Testing

JME – Juvenile Mycoclonic Epelipsy this was identified a few years ago and was traced back to a dog where the genes had mutated causing a form of epelipsy which was identified in your dogs. When the test was developed it allowed responsible breeders to avoid the dogs that carried this condition and it was thought it would eventually no longer appear in the gene pool. Unfortunately it is now on the increase due some puppy farmers putting known carriers together. Do not buy a puppy unless you know at least one of its parents are tested and are clear. It is a delibating condition resulting in young dogs being put to sleep as it is difficult to control.
EOAD – Early onset Adult Deafness – The gene in ridgebacks has been identified, this causes early deafness to different degrees two carriers should not be bred together. This is not to be confused with occasional deafness that all ridgebacks suffer from when it suits them!
Degenerative Mylopathy – Is a degenerative condition responsible for paralysis in the back legs, usually in later years. Two carriers should not be put together or there is a risk that some of the puppies will develop the condition.
D Locus – is not a health test but is carried out to ascertain the presence of a dilute gene responsible for a blue colouration.

You can look up the minimum health requirements for a dog by entering their name on the Health Finder page of The Kennel Club using the link